Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Glimmers of Hope, for new grads.

There is hope that the graduates from college in spring will find a job, but that still doesn't say that the economy is thriving. Last year, many who graduated from college found it nearly impossible to find employment. A lot of employers prefer to hire people who have experience and more than just a college degree. Statistics show that 24 percent of 2010 college graduates who applied for a job have one waiting after graduation were up from 20 percent last year. But the average salary offered to graduates with a bachelor’s degree has slipped 1.7 percent from last year, to $47,673.

People with just liberal arts degrees have had a hard time finding jobs, since there are not that many pertaining to their major. However degrees in Accounting, Computer Science, Engineers, have been thriving with salary increases of almost 6 %. The same rules apply to people who want to find a good job, they need connections and credentials if they want to succeed in the job market.

Economists are afraid that if there is a sudden burst in job offers, it may lead to a double recession which may in turn be worse than what has occured in the past two years. Employers have been very pessimistic about hiring people, and will only do so if they have to. Furthermore, what limited positions are available are taken with great scrutiny because they receive so many applications.

Nowdays, a college degree isn't enough. Even people with masters and first proffessional degrees are finding it hard to find a job. However, according to the article there may be hope. I think that if someone has the right job that is in demand, then the job market will be to their advantage. Jobs in the medical field such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists have never been short-handed even during the recession. Some other jobs that are in the field of marketing, finance, and liberal arts are in danger of disappearing. Moreover, people who graduate from schools in the west coast like in California, or others who graduate in the midwest like Ohio, want to move to regions where there is oppurtunity.

For the many who can't seem to find a job, should just remain optimistic and something will come around...eventually.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rent Control

Living in decently in New York City is quite expensive. However, there have been some older apartments that have been able to be rented for a smaller price than newer apartments. Unfortunately, many landlords are selling their buildings and having their tenants leave so that the buildings can be renovated and rented out at a higher price.

With the job market not doing so well, many people cannot afford to pay over 1,000 a month for an apartment. Many other tenants are upset because they have been used to paying less than 300 a month for an apartment, but are now facing eviction. There have been some rent regulations where the price cannot exceed a certain amount for people who have a family and cannot work.

Landlords also want to increase the prices, but they have to battle with the housing codes. So the majority of landlords chose not to renew the contracts on the tenants and just sell the land to others. It isn't fair that many people have to face being homeless because there is no place to live a modest lifestyle at an affordable price.

Certain housing areas in places like Greenwich Village and Upper East Side have increased their prices dramatically to fit in with the wealthy upper class who want to live there. A lot of historical apartment buildings have been featured in movies and on shows. Inflation in housing has not been in proportion to people with lower salaries.

It has always been difficult to find a decent apartment in New York City at an affordable price. I don't see this changing in the future because more and more people want to live in the city every year for various reasons. So it is safe to say that in New York City, you have to have a very good salary to find a good apartment.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Largest Hiring burst in years, but jobless rate

Good or Bad News? In April the economy improved with the burst of 290,000 jobs, which was the biggest amount of jobs created since the recession. However, the unemployment rate instead of decreasing like predicted, actually rose some .2% which is still hard to understand. Economists predict that many who gave up hope looking for a job months ago, felt optimistic after hearing about the news. Several people went out looking for jobs which changed the statistics.

The good news that many feel is that companies are finally taking the risk by hiring more for their business. President Obama described this additon of jobs as "very encouraging news". However, there is still a long way to go. It provides safety for people who have finally attained a job, but it offers no comfort to people who still are out of work.

Many Economists now have predicted that the unemployment rate will rise above 10 percent in the months mainly because of the stock market crash in Europe.

Furthermore, as of now 15.3 million people were noted as being out of work last month and the number of people who have been out of work for six months or more has also risen. Hiring is not expected to reduce the unemployment rate anytime soon.

These are clear signs that the economy is improving. Needless to say, there is still a long way to go. People still are out of work, and according to economists the unemployment rate won't drop until the mid decade at the least. Still this is a sign of improvment, things don't happen overnight and I think that if little changes such as this occur, it will lead to a recovery.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Stats show that many U.S. residents want the Immigration Laws

Many feel that the proposed Immigration law set forth in the state of Arizona, was years in the making. The immigration law allows the authorities to demand legal proof of residence to anyone suspected of being in the country illegally. A lot are certain that it will lead to racial profiling. Governor Jan Brewer made some adjustments to the bill on Friday, stating that no police officer should practice any sort of racial profiling when investigating a person's residence in the country.

According to the polls, many think that illegal immigration is a serious problem. However, it is an issue that is hard to solve. It seems better that the government should focus more on increasing security at the border, rather than trying to focus on people who may or may not be living in the country illegally.

The majority of people interviewed felt that the federal government should make the final decision on what to do about illegal immigration. While 51 % feel that the Arizona Immigration law is just "about right" in its approach to resolve the situation. Several people also share the opinion that illegal immigrants living in the country contribute to the faltering economy, because they evade paying taxes and are seeking employment illegally. They also feel that they take jobs away and the social security funds are suffering. However, statistics have said that many illegal immigrants do, in fact pay taxes, but they never see the benefit of paying to the social security or a return on their contributions.

It seems that many want to see how the law will turn out. As always, there are pros and cons to a situation. I think that the team who worked together to gather this information did an excellent job because it has been able to give the readers more of an insight into the situation. The bill may be risky in some cases and it is a big step for the federal government.


Friday, April 30, 2010

Many Traumatized by the effects of being unemployed

Often times we hear that many are traumatized and emotionally distraught as a result of experiencing a travesty. However, there are many cases of that now, more than ever because of people who are still unemployed. Conversely, you would think that many who have finally found employment would put everything behind them and move on with their new job. Unfortunately, many are still hurt as a result of what has happened. Many cannot shake what being unemployed has done to themselves and their families. People who once had a pitch perfect credit score, were now falling behind on loans and in danger of having their homes foreclosed. In the article Mrs. Newby left the unemployment stricken city of Detroit to Raleigh North Carolina when she won the coveted position of an advertising executive agent, with a six figure salary. Unfortunately, this does not provide solace for her because she still has lingering feelings about what she had experienced when she was unemployed. She and her husband had to sell her expensive suburban home, and they lost their car when the lease was up. In addition to that their marriage suffered because they were getting calls from creditors.

There are still several bills that they have to pay together, that the income that she is making may take awhile to pay off. Mrs. Newby is also skeptical about the amount of time that she will be able to spend at her job, because she still feels that she may lose it in an instant and go through the same cycle of events. I was reading similar tragic stories where people who once had everything...now are on the verge of being homeless.

However, I began to notice that the majority of these people facing such scenarios, are the ones who lived above their income, as opposed to living modestly. It is bad when one is laid off, but if they have lived a modest life, they can learn to budget what they have and as time goes by they can see what they can do to still keep moving foreward. Others, who were only earning 60,000 a year and were buying 400,000 dollar homes and expensive cars suffered the effects almost immediately. If someone had been living modestly and only spending what they had, and saving money they could be able to push it as far as they can until they find a new job, and won't have to face these consequences.

But I guess that these experiences caused by unemployment has actually made people stronger. They have learned the importance of budgeting money and it has helped them become better people. From what I have read, more are going to church/other religious services, volunteering in the community, helping others, this is great. If people could build a strong spirit, everything will be just fine.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law sparks controversy

The main intent of the Arizona immigration law is to ensure the safety of the citizens. However, a lot of people are skeptical about this because there are already over 400,000 individuals living in the state illegally. Furthermore, the state has to use funds from their budget to organize the program and a lot of time is invested into this. Some feel that this law makes the state veer away from their duties.

Although, the law has not been passed it has already been intact. Many who are suspected of being in the country illegally, are being warned that many officials will demand legitimate proof of residency. The governor Jan Brewer, feels that while there is a lot of time invested in this proposed act, it is to ensure the safety of the state.

Many think that it is absurd and it goes against what the government is required to do. A lot of neighboring states are boycotting any business activity until the verdict on whether the law has been passed or not.

I don't think that there should be so much time invested in this act. There is nothing wrong. Why fix what isn't broken?


Thursday, April 22, 2010

U.S. trying to prevent homelessness

Specifically in areas where there is a high percentage of unemployment, a lot of people who once thought they had everything, are now facing the possibility of living on the streets, something many thought would never happen. The U.S. federal government has given grants to many states who have this problem in order to prevent many from becoming homeless. A lot of these grants help others pay the more important bills, and also find ways to create temporary jobs for them. Unfortunately, not many qualify and several are turned down because there is only so much money and help that can be given out. Many are suffering in areas in California, Florida, and Michigan. One individual went from having almost a six-figure salary and all the perks that come with that, to facing eviction. The economy has affected many, even the people who have had the highest education and rewarding careers are facing this possibility. Several who are also becoming sick and coming close to not being able to work, are also facing the prospect of being laid off. The government does not know what to do to prevent this problem. Unemployment benefits have been increased from six months to over a year, but still it doesn't provide relief for many who have lost their jobs for years. A lot of jobs surprisingly turn down many individuals who are over-qualified, and many do not have the money to go back to school. Barack Obama has worked really hard to fix this problem, he has extended unemployment and passed a brand new health care bill, the government feels that it is good to provide grants to states who have been heavily affected by the recession, but it doesn't always work.

It's hard for people who are used to having change occur rapidly, because they are now losing patience. Many are discouraged and are just about ready to give up. Economists strongly predict that these grants can provide temporary relief, but after that they are on their own.

I was so heartbroken when I finished reading the article. I was shocked when I read about individuals who had once a stable job, a good house, and money to invest in other things, but now they are forced to deal with the fact that they have lost everything because they are now unemployed. So many have been out of a job for so long that it is hard for them to remember how it was when they once had a job and a good home to live in, and other things that they never thought that they would ever lose.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Arizona becoming more strict on Immigration

Senator Russell Pearce has proposed a bill that is intended to be more strict on immigration in the state of Arizona. The bill demands people who are not citizens of the country to show legitimate proof of residence. Furthermore, it requires employers to do a background check and screening to make sure that the people they want to hire are in fact, legally in the country, anyone who is suspected to be in the country illegally to report it to the government. It makes it a state crime for anyone in Arizona to be in the country illegally.

Many people feel that Russell Pearce is being unfair towards immigrants in the state, a lot of latinos living in Arizona feel that they are being denied legal rights as well. Pearce has also been a strong proponent of deportation because he feels that there should not be illegal immigrants within the country and state borders. Senator John McCain feels that the bill will work because it will lay down the law for anyone who is in the country illegally. Again many members in the senate are skeptical, the democrats don't really see anything specifically wrong with the bill, but they can see the potential problems that it could have and how much it would cost for the bill to become an actual law. On the other hand, there are people who are for the bill because in the end it has to follow the law.

I think that this bill will become more controversial in the next few weeks. There seems to be many flaws, I don't think that a serious bill will really impact people. The bill, although not official yet has basically always been intact. I think that the state is just becoming more stricter about the policies on illegal immigration.


Pedro Espada Jr. considered guilty of stealing millions from taxpayers.

Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo filed a civil lawsuit against Senate Majority Leader Pedro Espada Jr. on Tuesday under legitimate proof that Espada and his family were stealing money from non-profit organizations geared towards healthcare. Apparently Espada used the money to pay for vacations and other expenditures, it has started to cause problems for the reputation of the new york senate because Espada was a trusted shareholder. Furthermore, it has been evident that Espada was using the taxpayers money that they thought would be used to provide healthcare for underpriviledged individuals, instead the money was pocketed by Espada. Also, Cuomo wants to remove Espada and the majority of the members who were involved with this project after speculation that Espada was specifically hiring family and friends who were also involved in taking more money.

I feel shocked because this is the people's money that has been taken away and used for someone else's benefit. This is money that the people have given to the government so that they can find ways to create more jobs, provide more research for healthcare, and also begin work on the healthcare bill provided by Barack Obama. I think a lot of people are very upset about this because it is their hard earned money being taken. Hopefully, Cuomo can investigate and Espada can hopefully give back all that money he took. I don't know why someone would do such an awful thing by taking money away from people. Hopefully, there can be a proper solution.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Bill questionable

Despite the fact that congress made history by passing the bill that Barack Obama proposed, a lot of people who are uninsured may not be so supportive. The Bill requires everyone to have some sort of health insurance, and that it extends to everyone. People think that the middle-class families are going to have to spend more in healthcare and taxes to help get the bill started. Social Security may not be there in a few decades, so this bill could actually benefit people. Also, younger individuals are anxious about this health bill because many cannot afford to have insurance, but do not qualify to have government provided insurance.

I'm glad that the bill was passed, it might help improve the situation in healthcare. People are nervous because this is such a big change. I do believe, that this is a great idea, and that it marks a legacy for healthcare.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Health Bill decision almost final

It has been the subject of dispute. Should Health Care benefits span over to people with pre-existing conditions? Barack Obama has been trying to get a health care bill passed so that people with pre-existing conditions will still be able to have proper health insurance. Nancy Pelosi is also anxious because she also feels that all people should have health care. Republicans in the senate (and even some democrats) are very skeptical about this proposal. They probably have made their decision, but we will not know right away. If this bill were to be passed it would be over 950 billion dollars, it would exceed the limited budget of 875 billion dollars that the country wants to stay under. Obama is strongly advising more loans to be taken out to meet the budget, but the economy is in defecit, it may make matters worse. People in the senate have been considering other methods to fix the economy. They want to conserve the money and keep it solely for govenment based projects, job creations, and coverage. Furthermore, they still want to decide weather or not to extend unemployment benefits, a lot of these goals could be compromised if they decide to use that money solely for the Health care bill. A lot of doctors also don't like the idea because the government will have more say in healthcare. According to other sources the number of physicians could decline tremendously if this bill is passed. However, it should not be about the money it should be about helping people. A new Health care bill could be what the people really need.

It's important but I can see the downside to this Health care bill. According to the article it seems that it may not end the problems of the faltering economy after all. Since the federal government would have to borrow more money for the funds. Hopefully there can be a solution and I believe that it will be a good one. So many people are hopeful, as I am.


An unlikely friendship

Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton have gone through a lot while campaigning for the coveted position of President. It was hard for them to endure their rivalry because they both felt that they had something new and different to offer as President. Unfortunately, neither of them liked each other's ideas on how they would run the country. When Barack Obama finally won the election, a lot of people were surprised when he offered the role of secretary of state to Clinton. Another surprise was when she accepted the offer. Nobody would have thought that Obama and Clinton would go from political adversaries to alliances. Hilary has also advocated for Obama's health plan, and has been interested in traveling to the persian gulf to find ways to stop any sort of detremental activity that could be going on there. They have both been very supportive of each other of their ideas about the country.

I think it is excellent that they have come to terms with their disagreements and have decided to work around it to figure out a better solution. That is not something you see in politics. Usually politicians never really come to terms with the opposing politicians. It becomes very long and drawn out because the politicans seem to always hold grudges against each other. Very rarely you will see two opponents in politics come together to figure out a solution. Republicans and Democrats will always have disagreements, but I have noticed that they have also started to work around their differences because they want what is best for the country. I think a lot of politicians should look up to Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama because they will see that it is possible to set aside differences and essentially become friends and let bygones be bygones.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

People going back to school during job crisis.

Due to the faltering economy, many people are strongly considering to go back to school in order to achieve prosperity in the job market. A lot are going into professional schools like Law or Medicine. Some are finding new degrees all together and going with degrees related to the jobs popular now. However, many are not considering the drawbacks that come with going back to school and completing it as well. First off, many think that when they go back to school and earn another degree, like a master's degree or a doctorate degree, they think that they will immediately find a job. That is not the case, since a lot of people are having the same ideas, the job market will actually get worse for people who obtain new degrees since there will be an overwhelming demand for such jobs.

According to the article, many people are not, however pursuing mainstream degrees such as a master's or first professional. Instead, those who lack a college degree are instead going to two year schools, hoping to find a good associate's degree in order to get a good job. Unfortunately, many lack the knowledge, that they probably won't find a job right away, and going back to such schools cost money, that financial aid may not even cover. Furthermore, such jobs may not even be available in a few years because of the changing job market.

The government is noticing the increasing cost of education that is going with the faltering economy. They are providing programs to people, some even free of charge so that they can better themselves education wise. Moreover, they are also funding career exploration seminars that could help people pursue careers that they think they have a chance at exceeding in. With these approaches, a lot of people could go back to school and get back on their feet, possibly even find a job.

I like that people are considering to go back to school, even people who haven't lost their jobs yet, but fear they may are even going back to school to earn a degree in hopes that it will secure their job. However, I think that people should try to focus on getting good degrees that they have a connection to and that they think they may have a chance at succeeding in. I did read that some for-profit schools that solely offer vocational training, are starting to con people into enrolling at their colleges by saying that they can easily find a job. Furthermore, some people are instead finding themselves in more debt when they don't find a job and have to pay back tuition costs that financial aid will not cover. I don't think that is a good idea. I did read that a lot of people are pursuing full college degrees, master's, and professional degrees as well. I think that people will find these endeavors very rewarding for the future. Education is the key to success.


Debt for Corporate Companies

In may, several corporations will be required to pay back over 700 billion dollars that they have incurred over the years. Several may or may not be able to pay the money back. Furthermore, the country needs to borrow several trillion dollars, but unfortunately there is not enough money to go around. For instance, a lot of banks usually are able to give such money to the country when they need to borrow it because of the amount of loans and bonds that people have. Unfortunately, due to the credit-crisis and faltering economy, banks have suffered because there aren't any people who have been able to take out loans and most of all pay them back. A lot of people who have had properties foreclosed is another example of banks not being able to pay back their debt to other companies. Even though some properties have been foreclosed, banks are unable to find people to sell them to. So this ripple-effect has affected everyone.

Specifically in for the amount of debt incurred, it is really hard to see if this problem can be fixed. I think that the senate can find a proper solution. Corporations, should also make sure that they keep track of their finances and accounts so that they are not spending more than what they can afford, and that they can most of all pay it back to the government.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Obama to prolong family vacation to work on Health Bill

The Health Bill has been very controversial and it a lot of members in the senate are struggling to find a suitable way to fix the problem. Medicaid is very important and a lot of people who cannot afford proper health insurance rely heavily on Medicaid. Obama had planned on meeting officials in Indonesia, and he had planned to bring his family with him there. However, many people have criticized him for planning a trip during the process of finding a new health bill, it seems that he wants to take a vacation instead. So in order to alleviate the senate he has delayed his vacation for a good amount of time so that the issue can be fixed.

I think that it is good that he has put the country's needs before his own. I don't think that he should be criticized for taking a family vacation. Although he has said that it is for business, he can still take a vacation if he wants to. But, I think it really shows that he wants to work with the senate to pass a proper Health Care bill, it shows his unending commitment as president.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Pressure for students to perfor

The No Child Left Behind policy has stirred up some controversy in the school system. Many people are noticing in smaller schools, that children are not doing so well in academics. The government is hoping on creating more programs to help people, but a lot are extremely skeptical. Since students are not doing so well on standardized tests, a lot of pressure is on the teachers to make sure that they can get their students to do well on these tests in school.

Teachers are finding new and innovative ways to teach their students and help them perform their best in the academics and on the state exams. The Federal Government is also finding ways to come up with funding to provide more programs at school, such as sports, extra-curricular activities, technology, and such to motivate kids to stay in school and succeed. A lot of education professors at different universities have given various ideas as to why there is a decline in performance from students, especially with the faltering economy students should actually be more motivated to do better. However, it is very hard to make it so that every student will get motivated to do better. Barack Obama is considering to extend school days and shorten vacations. That creates a whole new controversy because some are liking the idea, while others are not. Some say, that smaller class sizes would help students get more attention for school work, but others don't like the amount of work that would have to go in to make that happen.

I think that all students want to do better in school, but some just aren't motivated. New and innovative programs, as well as stellar teaching skills from teachers will definitely improve the way students learn and perform in school. I feel that schools offer a lot of good opportunities to succeed, in the end it is the students decision to take advantage of them and do well.


Unemployment rate remains 9.7 percent

The unemployment rate has remained at 9.7 percent. Several economists felt that it would rise during this season, however it has remained the same and there has not been a loss of jobs according to several statistics. A lot of people felt that snowstorms would affect the job market, since people would not have a proper way to commute. Surprisingly, it has not been affected that much. The bureau was not able to figure out proper statistics to determine. Moreover, the amount of jobless claims has dropped recently which is great. Is this signs of improvement?

I think that this could be deemed as a sign of improvment. Winter is usually a time for people to lose jobs or experience a reduced salary. The snow does have an affect, but it was not able to be accounted for. Also, the jobless claims that went down is another good sign, since the government will not have to constantly send out more unemployment checks, and instead can use the money for possibly creating more jobs for many. Economists are hoping that the jobless claims goes lower than 400,000, they are very skeptical, because they think that by the end of this year the unemployment rate will rise to a high 10 percent.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Despite signs of improvement...people are still losing hope.

Specifically in the west, unemployment has reached an all time high. 6.7 million people approximately are without a job. Furthermore, unemployment checks are being limited as well. This comes as terrible news for many. There are several people who have had to deal with losing their jobs and finding jobs that they would never even dream of finding. Even people who have notable degrees are being turned away from jobs. Economists feel that even when the economy recovers it won't mean an immediate relief for the unemployed. Several Economists feel that the when the market improves companies will still try to be conservative, they will hire less people and cut back on budgets mainly because they are used to being that way when the market was down. Moreover, there probably won't be any more creation of jobs right away because many businesses have closed down. Essentially, people who may be unemployed now...are having to deal with the possibility of remaining jobless for years.

Mr. Obama and his administration are trying desperately to try to alleviate this financial problem. One of Obama's ideas is to have the labor department extend unemployment benefits for a few more months. However, they are very much against the idea because there is only so much unemployment they can give out, and with the rate of unemployment increasing and extension of the unemployment checks could but the labor department in jeopardy. There are just so many places that have been affected in just a short period of time. A lot are hoping for the expansion phase because they fear that there will be another great depression, that we worked so hard to get out of and hopefully never have to face again.

This article really disturbed me. There had been several individuals who had been interviewed about their situation. Some are having to live off just little by little, knowing that there is a possibility of being homeless. Even jobs that were initially deemed attainable are now not so safe. A lot of people are trying so hard, but some are just losing hope. I on the other hand, am hopeful that Mr. Obama will be able to figure out a plan that will halt the problems that are being caused by the faltering economy.


Wal-Mart's eco-friendly approach

Wal-Mart one of the largest corporations is strongly considering to cutback on using resources that is harmful to the environment, and instead using FDA approved products as well. Furthermore, Wal-Mart is instead investing in more organic food for consumers. This seems to be more so to save money for the corporation instead of taking the environment into consideration. Though, going green can be costly in the long run... hopefully Wal-Mart can convince consumers to invest in more organic products to help boost their profits.

However, several are extremely skeptical because they think that it is such a big step for the corporation to be doing this approach. Not only would it cost so much money, it would also be problematic for suppliers who will have to spend more money to get the products there.

I think that going green is a wonderful approach for Wal-Mart. I feel that it will definitely boost sales for the corporation. I am a bit skeptical too because not a large percent of consumers are for organic foods. This is mostly because it can be very expensive in the long run. Moreover, I am very curious to see how this works out for Wal-Mart. I think it will be successful.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Obama’s conflict with the senate over the Health Bill

The health bill has been the height of political frenzy for President Obama and the senate. Obama has been in conflict with the senate (specifically the Republicans) over the proposition of a new health bill. It would cost a lot of money but the senate is very complacent about this idea because they feel it will not work.

However, Mr. Obama and his administration is determined to make sure that it works. Unfortunately, the health bill has caused conflicts between Mr. Obama and the senate that could turn into a showdown rather than a proper deal. The Health Care bill will cost over 950 billion dollars over the span of a decade. This Health Care bill is specifically designated to help middle-class families afford proper healthcare.

The democrats and republicans in the senate have different ideas on how to combat the rising costs of healthcare. Obama still has a different idea. There are so many opposing ideas on such an important subject. I feel that healthcare is so important because the cost has been rising over the past few years. It has affected a lot of middle-class families who are afraid that they are just one-sickness away from losing everything (from what I learned in Economics). I think that Mr. Obama and the senate will hopefully find a good solution to alleviate the problem. I think that the senate should look at the Health Bill carefully and Obama should also hear what the senate thinks is best and then formulate a plan that is best. I'm very curious to see how this situation will turn out.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Boston Library considering to cut several branches.

This comes as terrible news for bibliophiles living in the Boston area. The main library branch is considering to cut down at least 10 of the supplemental branches in an attempt to save money. Due to the stagnant economy, the library system has suffered a great deal. They have not been able to receive funding for staff development and other projects. Initially, they were cutting hours for the employees at the library, but when this proved unsuccesful the Boston Library was left with no other choice than to lay off almost a quarter of the employees.

Now, they are debating whether or not to shut down the branches and keep the ones remaining open for shorter working hours. This is crucial because it shows the ripple effect that the receding economy has impacted. Libraries are funded by the government, but the government has had to deal with defecits and other problems, it was inevitable to cut funding for the libraries.

In my opinion I think it is sad that libraries have been affected. Hopefully, this should be a red-flag to the senate to try to prevent the economy from declining any further. It is one thing to propose a better solution, but to enact upon it is entirely different. Meanwhile, the economy is slowly deteriorating and everything is falling apart. Even places that you would least expect...like libraries for instance. Hopefully, Barack Obama can work with the senate to formulate a plan to improve the situation, before it is too late.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Truth about Defecit

I think that the article in New York Times was very incisive about the deficit that the US economy is currently experiencing. However, I felt that the writer was constantly pointing out former President George Bush's mistakes, rather than offering a better solution to fix the problem.

The Obama Administration is trying desperately to alleviate the problem, by various methods including the funding of new projects and programs. Of course, this proposal will cost a great deal of money, but what if it doesn't work? Is it worth the risk?

The Article basically focuses on how the deficit is affecting our economy. Furthermore, the writer is hoping to help the reader understand what deficit and other economic terms mean, figuratively and literally.

I think that the article was well written, but it should have shown more solutions. Obama is taking the initiative to fix the economy and restore it back to the way it was, but it will take time. Unfortunately, some can't afford to wait.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Gays in the millitary

The prospect of being homosexual and serving in the armed forces has caused a plethora of political frenzy. President Obama certainly agrees that "you don't have to be straight to aim your weapon straight". In the article, "Gays in The Millitary" archived from the Economist, several issues have been confronted. The author basically focuses on what is being done to diminish that law that bars homosexuals from joining the millitary. According to the article, there won't be a decision until 2011 on weather or homosexuals will be allowed to join the millitary. Hopefully, Obama can get a ban on that sooner, or until the dispute is resolved can make it so that homosexuals don't have to be discharged from the millitary.

Personally, I don't think that homosexuals should be banned from serving in the military. It doesn't have anything to do with the military, which is specifically for individuals who want to serve our country. By banning homosexuals, it sort of says that they are not worthy enough to serve the country just based on who they are. Our country is about equality and acceptance. It shouldn't be that people who are gay can't be apart of the armed services, but in the end it is the armed services loss when they deny them a chance to serve the country.
