Thursday, April 22, 2010

U.S. trying to prevent homelessness

Specifically in areas where there is a high percentage of unemployment, a lot of people who once thought they had everything, are now facing the possibility of living on the streets, something many thought would never happen. The U.S. federal government has given grants to many states who have this problem in order to prevent many from becoming homeless. A lot of these grants help others pay the more important bills, and also find ways to create temporary jobs for them. Unfortunately, not many qualify and several are turned down because there is only so much money and help that can be given out. Many are suffering in areas in California, Florida, and Michigan. One individual went from having almost a six-figure salary and all the perks that come with that, to facing eviction. The economy has affected many, even the people who have had the highest education and rewarding careers are facing this possibility. Several who are also becoming sick and coming close to not being able to work, are also facing the prospect of being laid off. The government does not know what to do to prevent this problem. Unemployment benefits have been increased from six months to over a year, but still it doesn't provide relief for many who have lost their jobs for years. A lot of jobs surprisingly turn down many individuals who are over-qualified, and many do not have the money to go back to school. Barack Obama has worked really hard to fix this problem, he has extended unemployment and passed a brand new health care bill, the government feels that it is good to provide grants to states who have been heavily affected by the recession, but it doesn't always work.

It's hard for people who are used to having change occur rapidly, because they are now losing patience. Many are discouraged and are just about ready to give up. Economists strongly predict that these grants can provide temporary relief, but after that they are on their own.

I was so heartbroken when I finished reading the article. I was shocked when I read about individuals who had once a stable job, a good house, and money to invest in other things, but now they are forced to deal with the fact that they have lost everything because they are now unemployed. So many have been out of a job for so long that it is hard for them to remember how it was when they once had a job and a good home to live in, and other things that they never thought that they would ever lose.

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