Friday, February 26, 2010

Wal-Mart's eco-friendly approach

Wal-Mart one of the largest corporations is strongly considering to cutback on using resources that is harmful to the environment, and instead using FDA approved products as well. Furthermore, Wal-Mart is instead investing in more organic food for consumers. This seems to be more so to save money for the corporation instead of taking the environment into consideration. Though, going green can be costly in the long run... hopefully Wal-Mart can convince consumers to invest in more organic products to help boost their profits.

However, several are extremely skeptical because they think that it is such a big step for the corporation to be doing this approach. Not only would it cost so much money, it would also be problematic for suppliers who will have to spend more money to get the products there.

I think that going green is a wonderful approach for Wal-Mart. I feel that it will definitely boost sales for the corporation. I am a bit skeptical too because not a large percent of consumers are for organic foods. This is mostly because it can be very expensive in the long run. Moreover, I am very curious to see how this works out for Wal-Mart. I think it will be successful.

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