Friday, March 5, 2010

Pressure for students to perfor

The No Child Left Behind policy has stirred up some controversy in the school system. Many people are noticing in smaller schools, that children are not doing so well in academics. The government is hoping on creating more programs to help people, but a lot are extremely skeptical. Since students are not doing so well on standardized tests, a lot of pressure is on the teachers to make sure that they can get their students to do well on these tests in school.

Teachers are finding new and innovative ways to teach their students and help them perform their best in the academics and on the state exams. The Federal Government is also finding ways to come up with funding to provide more programs at school, such as sports, extra-curricular activities, technology, and such to motivate kids to stay in school and succeed. A lot of education professors at different universities have given various ideas as to why there is a decline in performance from students, especially with the faltering economy students should actually be more motivated to do better. However, it is very hard to make it so that every student will get motivated to do better. Barack Obama is considering to extend school days and shorten vacations. That creates a whole new controversy because some are liking the idea, while others are not. Some say, that smaller class sizes would help students get more attention for school work, but others don't like the amount of work that would have to go in to make that happen.

I think that all students want to do better in school, but some just aren't motivated. New and innovative programs, as well as stellar teaching skills from teachers will definitely improve the way students learn and perform in school. I feel that schools offer a lot of good opportunities to succeed, in the end it is the students decision to take advantage of them and do well.

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