Friday, March 19, 2010

An unlikely friendship

Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton have gone through a lot while campaigning for the coveted position of President. It was hard for them to endure their rivalry because they both felt that they had something new and different to offer as President. Unfortunately, neither of them liked each other's ideas on how they would run the country. When Barack Obama finally won the election, a lot of people were surprised when he offered the role of secretary of state to Clinton. Another surprise was when she accepted the offer. Nobody would have thought that Obama and Clinton would go from political adversaries to alliances. Hilary has also advocated for Obama's health plan, and has been interested in traveling to the persian gulf to find ways to stop any sort of detremental activity that could be going on there. They have both been very supportive of each other of their ideas about the country.

I think it is excellent that they have come to terms with their disagreements and have decided to work around it to figure out a better solution. That is not something you see in politics. Usually politicians never really come to terms with the opposing politicians. It becomes very long and drawn out because the politicans seem to always hold grudges against each other. Very rarely you will see two opponents in politics come together to figure out a solution. Republicans and Democrats will always have disagreements, but I have noticed that they have also started to work around their differences because they want what is best for the country. I think a lot of politicians should look up to Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama because they will see that it is possible to set aside differences and essentially become friends and let bygones be bygones.

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