Friday, April 30, 2010

Many Traumatized by the effects of being unemployed

Often times we hear that many are traumatized and emotionally distraught as a result of experiencing a travesty. However, there are many cases of that now, more than ever because of people who are still unemployed. Conversely, you would think that many who have finally found employment would put everything behind them and move on with their new job. Unfortunately, many are still hurt as a result of what has happened. Many cannot shake what being unemployed has done to themselves and their families. People who once had a pitch perfect credit score, were now falling behind on loans and in danger of having their homes foreclosed. In the article Mrs. Newby left the unemployment stricken city of Detroit to Raleigh North Carolina when she won the coveted position of an advertising executive agent, with a six figure salary. Unfortunately, this does not provide solace for her because she still has lingering feelings about what she had experienced when she was unemployed. She and her husband had to sell her expensive suburban home, and they lost their car when the lease was up. In addition to that their marriage suffered because they were getting calls from creditors.

There are still several bills that they have to pay together, that the income that she is making may take awhile to pay off. Mrs. Newby is also skeptical about the amount of time that she will be able to spend at her job, because she still feels that she may lose it in an instant and go through the same cycle of events. I was reading similar tragic stories where people who once had are on the verge of being homeless.

However, I began to notice that the majority of these people facing such scenarios, are the ones who lived above their income, as opposed to living modestly. It is bad when one is laid off, but if they have lived a modest life, they can learn to budget what they have and as time goes by they can see what they can do to still keep moving foreward. Others, who were only earning 60,000 a year and were buying 400,000 dollar homes and expensive cars suffered the effects almost immediately. If someone had been living modestly and only spending what they had, and saving money they could be able to push it as far as they can until they find a new job, and won't have to face these consequences.

But I guess that these experiences caused by unemployment has actually made people stronger. They have learned the importance of budgeting money and it has helped them become better people. From what I have read, more are going to church/other religious services, volunteering in the community, helping others, this is great. If people could build a strong spirit, everything will be just fine.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law sparks controversy

The main intent of the Arizona immigration law is to ensure the safety of the citizens. However, a lot of people are skeptical about this because there are already over 400,000 individuals living in the state illegally. Furthermore, the state has to use funds from their budget to organize the program and a lot of time is invested into this. Some feel that this law makes the state veer away from their duties.

Although, the law has not been passed it has already been intact. Many who are suspected of being in the country illegally, are being warned that many officials will demand legitimate proof of residency. The governor Jan Brewer, feels that while there is a lot of time invested in this proposed act, it is to ensure the safety of the state.

Many think that it is absurd and it goes against what the government is required to do. A lot of neighboring states are boycotting any business activity until the verdict on whether the law has been passed or not.

I don't think that there should be so much time invested in this act. There is nothing wrong. Why fix what isn't broken?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

U.S. trying to prevent homelessness

Specifically in areas where there is a high percentage of unemployment, a lot of people who once thought they had everything, are now facing the possibility of living on the streets, something many thought would never happen. The U.S. federal government has given grants to many states who have this problem in order to prevent many from becoming homeless. A lot of these grants help others pay the more important bills, and also find ways to create temporary jobs for them. Unfortunately, not many qualify and several are turned down because there is only so much money and help that can be given out. Many are suffering in areas in California, Florida, and Michigan. One individual went from having almost a six-figure salary and all the perks that come with that, to facing eviction. The economy has affected many, even the people who have had the highest education and rewarding careers are facing this possibility. Several who are also becoming sick and coming close to not being able to work, are also facing the prospect of being laid off. The government does not know what to do to prevent this problem. Unemployment benefits have been increased from six months to over a year, but still it doesn't provide relief for many who have lost their jobs for years. A lot of jobs surprisingly turn down many individuals who are over-qualified, and many do not have the money to go back to school. Barack Obama has worked really hard to fix this problem, he has extended unemployment and passed a brand new health care bill, the government feels that it is good to provide grants to states who have been heavily affected by the recession, but it doesn't always work.

It's hard for people who are used to having change occur rapidly, because they are now losing patience. Many are discouraged and are just about ready to give up. Economists strongly predict that these grants can provide temporary relief, but after that they are on their own.

I was so heartbroken when I finished reading the article. I was shocked when I read about individuals who had once a stable job, a good house, and money to invest in other things, but now they are forced to deal with the fact that they have lost everything because they are now unemployed. So many have been out of a job for so long that it is hard for them to remember how it was when they once had a job and a good home to live in, and other things that they never thought that they would ever lose.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Arizona becoming more strict on Immigration

Senator Russell Pearce has proposed a bill that is intended to be more strict on immigration in the state of Arizona. The bill demands people who are not citizens of the country to show legitimate proof of residence. Furthermore, it requires employers to do a background check and screening to make sure that the people they want to hire are in fact, legally in the country, anyone who is suspected to be in the country illegally to report it to the government. It makes it a state crime for anyone in Arizona to be in the country illegally.

Many people feel that Russell Pearce is being unfair towards immigrants in the state, a lot of latinos living in Arizona feel that they are being denied legal rights as well. Pearce has also been a strong proponent of deportation because he feels that there should not be illegal immigrants within the country and state borders. Senator John McCain feels that the bill will work because it will lay down the law for anyone who is in the country illegally. Again many members in the senate are skeptical, the democrats don't really see anything specifically wrong with the bill, but they can see the potential problems that it could have and how much it would cost for the bill to become an actual law. On the other hand, there are people who are for the bill because in the end it has to follow the law.

I think that this bill will become more controversial in the next few weeks. There seems to be many flaws, I don't think that a serious bill will really impact people. The bill, although not official yet has basically always been intact. I think that the state is just becoming more stricter about the policies on illegal immigration.

Pedro Espada Jr. considered guilty of stealing millions from taxpayers.

Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo filed a civil lawsuit against Senate Majority Leader Pedro Espada Jr. on Tuesday under legitimate proof that Espada and his family were stealing money from non-profit organizations geared towards healthcare. Apparently Espada used the money to pay for vacations and other expenditures, it has started to cause problems for the reputation of the new york senate because Espada was a trusted shareholder. Furthermore, it has been evident that Espada was using the taxpayers money that they thought would be used to provide healthcare for underpriviledged individuals, instead the money was pocketed by Espada. Also, Cuomo wants to remove Espada and the majority of the members who were involved with this project after speculation that Espada was specifically hiring family and friends who were also involved in taking more money.

I feel shocked because this is the people's money that has been taken away and used for someone else's benefit. This is money that the people have given to the government so that they can find ways to create more jobs, provide more research for healthcare, and also begin work on the healthcare bill provided by Barack Obama. I think a lot of people are very upset about this because it is their hard earned money being taken. Hopefully, Cuomo can investigate and Espada can hopefully give back all that money he took. I don't know why someone would do such an awful thing by taking money away from people. Hopefully, there can be a proper solution.