There are still several bills that they have to pay together, that the income that she is making may take awhile to pay off. Mrs. Newby is also skeptical about the amount of time that she will be able to spend at her job, because she still feels that she may lose it in an instant and go through the same cycle of events. I was reading similar tragic stories where people who once had are on the verge of being homeless.
However, I began to notice that the majority of these people facing such scenarios, are the ones who lived above their income, as opposed to living modestly. It is bad when one is laid off, but if they have lived a modest life, they can learn to budget what they have and as time goes by they can see what they can do to still keep moving foreward. Others, who were only earning 60,000 a year and were buying 400,000 dollar homes and expensive cars suffered the effects almost immediately. If someone had been living modestly and only spending what they had, and saving money they could be able to push it as far as they can until they find a new job, and won't have to face these consequences.
But I guess that these experiences caused by unemployment has actually made people stronger. They have learned the importance of budgeting money and it has helped them become better people. From what I have read, more are going to church/other religious services, volunteering in the community, helping others, this is great. If people could build a strong spirit, everything will be just fine.